June Diamond Bride

June Diamond Bride

June Diamond Bride. Mobile Image

Jun 05, 2014

Rachel MooneyBride's Name: Rachael Mooney Date of Wedding: July 11th, 2014 How they met: Met NYE 2009 through mutual friends How he proposed: He proposed on NYE 2013 at our friends Amanda and Ryan's home (the same friends who introduced us) in front of our close family and friends. Wedding Colors: Blush and Champagne How many Bridesmaids: 4 Wedding Venues: Hessel Park & The Hilton Why you chose to shop at Michelle's: I chose Michelle's because of the excellent customer service, their ability to know their inventory (I walked in and Cassidy knew which dress! IT looks amazing! I feel so beautiful in it!), and because they are simply the best! I knew as soon as I got engaged that I would be making an appointment there. Part of your wedding you are most looking forward to: I am looking forward to the reveal!!! I can't wait to have a moment with just us and our daughter, and enjoy the hard work and time we've put into celebrating our love for each other! (and celebrating with our friends and family of course!) Where are you going on your honeymoon: Hawaii