June Diamond Bride

June Diamond Bride

June Diamond Bride. Mobile Image

Jun 04, 2013

Heather ShoudelBrides name: Heather Shoudel

Groom's Name: Matthew O'Brien

Date of Wedding: 7/27/13

How they met: The internet, arent we modern?!

How he proposed: Interesting story, he didnt actually, his daughter did. After much covert planning and getting a ring he had a wonderful  surprise at a romantic restaurant in Chicago all lined up for our dating anniversary. However, his very adorable then 3 year old, who had been with him when he picked up the ring, came running into the house screeching with excitementHeather Heather, its a beautiful shiny ring, and I have a secret its for you! With his plans ruined he went ahead and went with the flow and proposed that day instead!

Wedding colors: navy, lime green, and fuchsia

How many bridesmaids: 6

Theme of Wedding (if you have one): Vintage library (the groom is after all getting his PhD in literature!)

Wedding Venues: Hilton Garden Inn (for both wedding and reception)

Why you chose to shop at Michelles Bridal & Tuxedo: Dress selection and the reviews of many happy former brides (including the maid of honor, my sister)

Part of your wedding you are most looking forward to: Really the whole thing. I love planning and I am really excited to see how everything falls together. We are having a special ring exchange for the grooms daughter, which I think will be incredibly moving ( I hope I make it through it), and well of course the most important part would be getting to be married to someone who I am pretty crazy about!

Where you are going on your honeymoon: Napa, CA

© Katelyn Turner Design & Photography